Hi! A persistent problem with internet in my laptop. While all other devices like smart phones and even smart tv have internet through wifi, laptop loses the connection. It either shows "connecting" or it says "no internet, secured". Sometimes internet connection is ok but most of the time not. I must restart laptop and router and wifi and sometimes it works sometimes I have to do it several times before making it work. I hope I gave enough info for you. If not I will give additional info if needed. Thank you in advance for iour help.
Hi! A persistent problem with internet in my laptop. While all other devices like smart phones and even smart tv have internet through wifi, laptop loses the connection. It either shows "connecting" or it says "no internet, secured". Sometimes internet connection is ok but most of the time not. I must restart laptop and router and wifi and sometimes it works sometimes I have to do it several times before making it work. I hope I gave enough info for you. If not I will give additional info if needed. Thank you in advance for iour help.
Hi! A persistent problem with internet in my laptop. While all other devices like smart phones and even smart tv have internet through wifi, laptop loses the connection. It either shows "connecting" or it says "no internet, secured". Sometimes internet connection is ok but most of the time not. I must restart laptop and router and wifi and sometimes it works sometimes I have to do it several times before making it work. I hope I gave enough info for you. If not I will give additional info if needed. Thank you in advance for iour help.
Hi! A persistent problem with internet in my laptop. While all other devices like smart phones and even smart tv have internet through wifi, laptop loses the connection. It either shows "connecting" or it says "no internet, secured". Sometimes internet connection is ok but most of the time not. I must restart laptop and router and wifi and sometimes it works sometimes I have to do it several times before making it work. I hope I gave enough info for you. If not I will give additional info if needed. Thank you in advance for iour help.
Hi! A persistent problem with internet in my laptop. While all other devices like smart phones and even smart tv have internet through wifi, laptop loses the connection. It either shows "connecting" or it says "no internet, secured". Sometimes internet connection is ok but most of the time not. I must restart laptop and router and wifi and sometimes it works sometimes I have to do it several times before making it work. I hope I gave enough info for you. If not I will give additional info if needed. Thank you in advance for iour help.