Little misadventures happening, I pulled out yesteday my A7rii out of my bag with a shattered viewfinder.
Having checked your teardown report, ([guide|45597]) it seems that the glass cannot be dismounted and replaced without changing the complete viewfinder itself.
It is however not clear to me if it viewfinder can be accessed and removed just by removing the motherboard cover?
If so, the operation seems definitely doable by oneself.
Little misadventures happening, I pulled out yesteday my A7rii out of my bag with a shattered viewfinder.
Having checked your teardown report, ([guide|45597]) it seems that the glass cannot be dismounted and replaced without changing the complete viewfinder itself.
It is however not clear to me if it viewfinder can be accessed and removed just by removing the motherboard cover?
If so, the operation seems definitely doable by oneself.