The problem should be solved once you turn off buggy Thunderbolt LAN Ethernet driver. Here are the steps:
1) reboot with CMD+R pressed.
2) open Terminal
3) sudo csrutil disable
4) reboot in normal mode
5) sudo mv /System/Library/Extensions/AppleThunderboltNHI.kext
6) reboot with CMD+R pressed
7) csrutil enable
8) reboot and forget about problem
Solution has been taken from one of the forums. That's personally helped me with my mid14 macbook pro Retina 15
UPD: How did I find this
I have the same issue with random "silent" shutdowns. Mac randomly turned off with the screen on, fans started to work at max level. Few repair services tried to diagnose the problem but unsuccessfully. All the times diagnostics showed "all is ok, maybe battery". I have replaced the battery but issue was still there. In the 4th repair service engineer found out the issue with voltage: with some random load on computer voltage on motherboard was going down from 12V to 11,5, 11.2 or even 10V and after this macbook was crashing. The only possible solution as I was said by the service is to replace the motherboard.
However, macbook was working perfectly when I connected external monitor. I have started to search through the forums and finally found people with the same problems and solution was found here:
Good luck guys. I wish you could save your macbooks too!
P.S. Another possible solution is to use the python script which you could also find by the link at the top. If I understand properly, it generates some specific load which keeps voltage at normal level. However script slightly affects on performance and battery life without plug.
The problem should be solved once you turn off buggy Thunderbolt LAN Ethernet driver. Here are the steps:
1) reboot with CMD+R pressed.
2) open Terminal
3) sudo csrutil disable
4) reboot in normal mode
5) sudo mv /System/Library/Extensions/AppleThunderboltNHI.kext
6) reboot with CMD+R pressed
7) csrutil enable
8) reboot and forget about problem
Solution has been taken from one of the forums. That's personally helped me with my mid14 macbook pro Retina 15
UPD: How did I find this
I have the same issue with random "silent" shutdowns. Mac randomly turned off with the screen on, fans started to work at max level. Few repair services tried to diagnose the problem but unsuccessfully. All the times diagnostics showed "all is ok, maybe battery". I have replaced the battery but issue was still there. In the 4th repair service engineer found out the issue with voltage: with some random load on computer voltage on motherboard was going down from 12V to 11,5, 11.2 or even 10V and after this macbook was crashing. The only possible solution as I was said by the service is to replace the motherboard.
However, macbook was working perfectly when I connected external monitor. I have started to search through the forums and finally found people with the same problems and solution was found here:
Good luck guys. I wish you could save your macbooks too!
P.S. Another possible solution is to use the python script which you could also find by the link at the top. If I understand properly, it generates some specific load which keeps voltage at normal level. However script slightly affects on performance and battery life without plug.
Solution has been taken from one of the forums. That's personally helped me with my mid14 macbook pro Retina 15
UPD: How did I find this
I have the same issue with random "silent" shutdowns. Mac randomly turned off with the screen on, fans started to work at max level. Few repair services tried to diagnose the problem but unsuccessfully. All the times diagnostics showed "all is ok, maybe battery". I have replaced the battery but issue was still there. In the 4th repair service engineer found out the issue with voltage: with some random load on computer voltage on motherboard was going down from 12V to 11,5, 11.2 or even 10V and after this macbook was crashing. The only possible solution as I was said by the service is to replace the motherboard.
However, macbook was working perfectly when I connected external monitor. I have started to search through the forums and finally found people with the same problems and solution was found here:
Good luck guys. I wish you could save your macbooks too!
P.S. Another possible solution is to use the python script which you could also find by the link at the top. If I understand properly, it generated some specifical load which keeps voltage at normal level. However script slightly affects on performance and battery life without plug.
P.S. Another possible solution is to use the python script which you could also find by the link at the top. If I understand properly, it generates some specific load which keeps voltage at normal level. However script slightly affects on performance and battery life without plug.
Solution has been taken from one of the forums. That's personally helped me with my mid14 macbook pro Retina 15
UPD: How did I find this
I have the same issue with random "silent" shutdowns. Mac randomly turned off with the screen on, fans started to work at max level. Few repair services tried to diagnose the problem but unsuccessfully. All the times diagnostics showed "all is ok, maybe battery". I have replaced the battery but issue was still there. In the 4th repair service engineer found out the issue with voltage: with some random load on computer voltage on motherboard was going down from 12V to 11,5, 11.2 or even 10V and after this macbook was crashing. The only possible solution as I was said by the service is to replace the motherboard.
I have the same issue with random "silent" shutdowns. Mac randomly turned off with the screen on, fans started to work at max level. Few repair services tried to diagnose the problem but unsuccessfully. All the times diagnostics showed "all is ok, maybe battery". I have replaced the battery but issue was still there. In the 4th repair service engineer found out the issue with voltage: with some random load on computer voltage on motherboard was going down from 12V to 11,5, 11.2 or even 10V and after this macbook was crashing. The only possible solution as I was said by the service is to replace the motherboard.
However, macbook was working perfectly when I connected external monitor. I have started to search through the forums and finally found people with the same problems and solution was found here:
Good luck guys. I wish you could save your macbooks too!
P.S. Another possible solution is to use the python script which you could also find by the link at the top. If I understand properly, it generated some specifical load which keeps voltage at normal level. However script slightly affects on performance and battery life without plug.
Solution has been taken from one of the forums. That's personally helped me with my mid14 macbook pro Retina 15
UPD: How did I find this
I have the same issue with random "silent" shutdowns. Mac randomly turned off with the screen on, fans started to work at max level. Few repair services tried to diagnose the problem but unsuccessfully. All the times diagnostics showed "all is ok, maybe battery". I have replaced the battery but issue was still there. In the 4th repair service engineer found out the issue with voltage: with some random load on computer voltage on motherboard was going down from 12V to 11,5, 11.2 or even 10V and after this macbook crushed. The only possible solution as I was said by the service is to replace the motherboard. I have started to search through the forums and finally found people with the same problems and solution was found here:
I have the same issue with random "silent" shutdowns. Mac randomly turned off with the screen on, fans started to work at max level. Few repair services tried to diagnose the problem but unsuccessfully. All the times diagnostics showed "all is ok, maybe battery". I have replaced the battery but issue was still there. In the 4th repair service engineer found out the issue with voltage: with some random load on computer voltage on motherboard was going down from 12V to 11,5, 11.2 or even 10V and after this macbook was crashing. The only possible solution as I was said by the service is to replace the motherboard.
However, macbook was working perfectly when I connected external monitor. I have started to search through the forums and finally found people with the same problems and solution was found here:
Good luck guys. I wish you could save your macbooks too!
Solution has been taken from one of the forums. That's personally helped me with my mid14 macbook pro Retina 15
UPD: How did I find this
I have the same issue with random "silent" shutdowns. Mac randomly turned off with the screen on, fans started to work at max level. Few repair services tried to diagnose the problem but unsuccessfully. All the times diagnostics showed "all is ok, maybe battery". I have replaced the battery but issue was still there. In the 4th repair service engineer found out the issue with voltage: with some random load on computer voltage on motherboard was going down from 12V to 11,5, 11.2 or even 10V and after this macbook crushed. The only possible solution as I was said by the service is to replace the motherboard. I have started to search through the forums and finally found people with the same problems and solution was found here:
Good luck guys. I wish you could save your macbooks too!
The problem should be solved once you turn off buggy Thunderbolt LAN Ethernet driver. Here are the steps:
1) reboot with CMD+R pressed.
2) open Terminal
3) sudo csrutil disable
4) reboot in normal mode
5) sudo mv /System/Library/Extensions/AppleThunderboltNHI.kext
6) reboot with CMD+R pressed
7) csrutil enable
8) reboot and forget about problem
Solution has been taken from one of the forums