If his volume control/ switch is like mine, the power goes off when the volume is turned all the way down. It clearly is the switch. (I am a very experienced qualified Electrical Engineer, who put myself through college doing repairs after I 1st got my Associates degree in Electronics. Also the unit I am repairing has the right channel out from the CD player. I have put a oscilloscope on it, and even with the right channel disconnected from the CD player, only the left channel has an output. The volume from the CD player is also very low as compared to the other inputs to the amplifier. I am assuming I need the circuit board that sits atop the CD player. The chip that delivers the audio out from this circuit board would be a difficult one to solder in, because of the very fine pin pitch. I forgot to write down the IC # before reassembling the unit.
As far as getting the switch, you will need to remove it, record the manufacturer, and the part number, and search DigiKey for it, also If they don’t have it try Mouser, & Allied electronics. Lastly look to see if the manufacturer has a list of people who carry their parts.
If his volume control/ switch is like mine, the power goes off when the volume is turned all the way down. It clearly is the switch. (I am a very experienced qualified Electrical Engineer, who put myself through college doing repairs after I 1st got my Associates degree in Electronics. Also the unit I am repairing has the right channel out from the CD player. I have put a oscilloscope on it, and even with the right channel disconnected from the CD player, only the left channel has an output. The volume from the CD player is also very low as compared to the other inputs to the amplifier. I am assuming I need the circuit board that sits atop the CD player. The chip that delivers the audio out from this circuit board would be a difficult one to solder in, because of the very fine pin pitch. I forgot to write down the IC # before reassembling the unit.
As far as getting the switch, you will need to remove it, record the manufacturer, and the part number, and search DigiKey for it, also If they don’t have it try Mouser, & Allied electronics. Lastly look to see if the manufacturer has a list of people who carry their parts.