Gary Sivertsen I believe the motor speed is controlled through an IC on the motor itself. We would need to see what your turntable shows on the underside. If this applies to your model as well, then than you most likely cannot adjust the speed. Post some good pictures with your QUESTION of what you find so we can see what you see. We would need to see if there are any trim pods etc,
Gary Sivertsen I believe the motor speed is controlled through an IC on the motor itself. We would need to see what your turntable shows on the underside. If this applies to your model as well, then you most likely cannot adjust the speed. Post some good pictures with your QUESTION of what you find so we can see what you see. We would need to see if there are any trim pods etc,
Gary Sivertsen I believe the motor speed is controlled through an IC on the motor itself. We would need to see what your turntable shows on the underside. If this applies to your model as well, then than you most likely cannot adjust the speed. Post some good pictures with your QUESTION of what you find so we can see what you see. We would need to see if there are any trim pods etc,