I have a late 2009 MacMini that i wish to upgrade it to the fullest, or at least to make it as equivalent as possible to my mid2010 corei7 iMac, that is running HighSierra.
Main goal is to be able to use the same apps (Adobe CC2017) in both Macs. So i am thinking of an SSD and perhaps more RAM, but i have no clue what type of Ram modules i need and most importantly if it is worth making the overall upgrade.
=== Update (07/27/2021) ===
I upgraded the memory with 2x4GB and when i boot, it will continuously starts beeping without being able to boot..
I upgraded the memory with [link|https://t-support.gr/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=1179668&skr_prm=WyJiM2U0YTFlZS1iNDIwLTQwMjktYjEwYi04ZWIxM2ViMzQyMjQiLDE2MjcxMTkxNTkwNzkseyJhcHBfdHlwZSI6IndlYiIsImNwIjoiYiIsInRhZ3MiOiIifV0|2x4GB] and when i boot, it will continuously starts beeping without being able to boot..
I have a late 2009 MacMini that i wish to upgrade it to the fullest, or at least to make it as equivalent as possible to my mid2010 corei7 iMac, that is running HighSierra.
Main goal is to be able to use the same apps (Adobe CC2017) in both Macs. So i am thinking of an SSD and perhaps more RAM, but i have no clue what type of Ram modules i need and most importantly if it is worth making the overall upgrade.
=== Update (07/27/2021) ===
I upgraded the memory with 2x4GB and when i boot, it will continuously starts beeping without being able to boot..
I have a late 2009 MacMini that i wish to upgrade it to the fullest, or at least to make it as equivalent as possible to my mid2010 corei7 iMac, that is running HighSierra.
Main goal is to be able to use the same apps (Adobe CC2017) in both Macs. So i am thinking of an SSD and perhaps more RAM, but i have no clue what type of Ram modules i need and most importantly if it is worth making the overall upgrade.