I'd like to express deep gratutude, foremost to whomever put this website together and whomever oversees and participates in keeping it going.
Whatever form is taken by ‘Powers that be beyond us earthlings’ (be it God, Allah, Him, Her, They, It, regardless of mankinds classifications and/or abuse … (I'm going to come up with a summarization, a term that encompasses all!) POINT: I'm issuing soulful request for positive energy for you. In other words everyone outta pray for you and fulfill your request regarding feeding homeless veterans.
I’m female, who was raised to believe in gender deficiency. Time and again I relied and trusted in those called ‘professional’, or else those who talk as if they ‘know’, (who underestimate other's ability to realize they aren't or don't), and those who bring others belongings to ruin under guise of benevolence, those who become indignant curmudgeons when questioned.
I’m female, who was raised to believe in gender deficiency. Time and again I relied and trusted in those called ‘professional’, or else those who talk as if they ‘know’, (who underestimate other's ability to realize they aren't or don't), and those who bring others belongings to ruin under guise of benevolence, those who become indignant when questioned.
I'd be set for life if I had all they money, time, and devices wasted - when I could bring things to waste and ruin myself, for free! It warms me head to toe to realize I can also troubleshoot and repair a lot of stuff on my own, vehicles, carpentry, and now, this lg washer, stuff I cussed out, threatened, hated, and belittled as being stupid. I regret maligning, and on a couple occasions, taking joy in rendering some things forever inoperable that might not have earned brutal demise.
Oh the irony, suffereing, feelings of ignorance or regret, and subservience that leaders here are setting so many free from!
Oh the suffering, feelings of ignorance, regret, and subservience that leaders here are setting so many free from!
Simply put, y'all are doing big good here. Many blessings to you and yours. May your needs always be fulfilled. Thank you for being so thorough, so thoughtful, in sharing knowledge and saving my sanity, all without flashing annoyances, subliminal suggestions, or shoving products in my face, or trying to guilt, squeeze, trick, or indenture me.
I realize there's some revenue being generated and as should be, given usefulness here. You're actually going the extra mile in earning it, reasonably, respectfully!
I realize there's some revenue being generated and that’s as it should be, given usefulness here. You're actually going the extra mile in earning it, reasonably, respectfully!
Wow, it truly is a wonderful world, especially when embracing it with clean clothes on!
Wow, it truly is a wonderful world, especially when embracing it with clean clothes on! (Now that I’ve replaced the pump in my washer….)
I'd like to express deep gratutude, foremost to whomever put this website together and whomever oversees and participates in keeping it going.
Whatever form is taken by ‘Powers that be beyond us earthlings’ (be it God, Allah, Him, Her, They, It, regardless of mankinds classifications and/or abuse … (I'm going to come up with a summarization term that encompasses all!) POINT: I'm issuing soulful request for positive energy for you, in other words everyone outta pray for you and fulfill your request regarding feeding homeless veterans.
Whatever form is taken by ‘Powers that be beyond us earthlings’ (be it God, Allah, Him, Her, They, It, regardless of mankinds classifications and/or abuse … (I'm going to come up with a summarization, a term that encompasses all!) POINT: I'm issuing soulful request for positive energy for you. In other words everyone outta pray for you and fulfill your request regarding feeding homeless veterans.
I’m female, who was raised to believe in gender deficiency. Time and again I relied and trusted in those called ‘professional’, or else those who talk as if they ‘know’, who think I'm incapable of figuring out they aren't or don't, and those who bring others belongings to ruin under guise of benevolence. I'd be set for life if I had all they money, time, and devices wasted - when I could bring things to waste and ruin myself, for free! It warms me head to toe to realize I can also troubleshoot and repair a lot of stuff on my own, vehicles, carpentry, and now, this lg washer, stuff I cussed out, threatened, hated, and belittled as being stupid. I regret maligning, and on a couple occasions, taking joy in rendering some things forever inoperable that might not have earned brutal demise.
I’m female, who was raised to believe in gender deficiency. Time and again I relied and trusted in those called ‘professional’, or else those who talk as if they ‘know’, (who underestimate other's ability to realize they aren't or don't), and those who bring others belongings to ruin under guise of benevolence, those who become indignant curmudgeons when questioned.
I'd be set for life if I had all they money, time, and devices wasted - when I could bring things to waste and ruin myself, for free! It warms me head to toe to realize I can also troubleshoot and repair a lot of stuff on my own, vehicles, carpentry, and now, this lg washer, stuff I cussed out, threatened, hated, and belittled as being stupid. I regret maligning, and on a couple occasions, taking joy in rendering some things forever inoperable that might not have earned brutal demise.
Oh the irony, suffereing, feelings of ignorance or regret, and subservience that leaders here are setting so many free from!
Simply put, y'all are doing big good here. Many blessings to you and yours. May your needs always be fulfilled. Thank you for being so thorough, so thoughtful, in sharing knowledge and saving my sanity, all without trying to guilt, squeeze, trick, or indenture me.
Simply put, y'all are doing big good here. Many blessings to you and yours. May your needs always be fulfilled. Thank you for being so thorough, so thoughtful, in sharing knowledge and saving my sanity, all without flashing annoyances, subliminal suggestions, or shoving products in my face, or trying to guilt, squeeze, trick, or indenture me.
I realize there's some revenue being generated and as should be, given usefulness here. You're actually going the extra mile in earning it, reasonably, respectfully!
Wow, it truly is a wonderful world, especially when embracing it with clean clothes on!
I'd like to express deep gratutude, foremost to whomever put this website together and whomever oversees and participates in keeping it going.
Whatever form is taken by ‘Powers that be beyond us earthlings’ (be it God, Allah, Him, Her, They, It, regardless of mankinds classifications and/or abuse … (I'm going to come up with a summarization term that encompasses all!) POINT: I'm issuing soulful request for positive energy for you, in other words everyone outta pray for you and fulfill your request regarding feeding homeless veterans.
I’m female, who was raised to believe in gender deficiency. Time and again I relied and trusted in those called ‘professional’, or else those who talk as if they ‘know’, who think I'm incapable of figuring out they aren't or don't, and those who bring others belongings to ruin under guise of benevolence. I'd be set for life if I had all they money, time, and devices wasted - when I could bring things to waste and ruin myself, for free! It warms me head to toe to realize I can also troubleshoot and repair a lot of stuff on my own, vehicles, carpentry, and now, this lg washer, stuff I cussed out, threatened, hated, and belittled as being stupid. I regret maligning, and on a couple occasions, taking joy in rendering some things forever inoperable that might not have earned brutal demise.
Oh the irony, suffereing, feelings of ignorance or regret, and subservience that leaders here are setting so many free from!
Simply put, y'all are doing big good here. Many blessings to you and yours. May your needs always be fulfilled. Thank you for being so thorough, so thoughtful, in sharing knowledge and saving my sanity, all without trying to guilt, squeeze, trick, or indenture me.
Wow, it truly is a wonderful world, especially when embracing it with clean clothes on!