Plugged my 110v Victrola Retro 50s Turn table to 220v outlet
Sorry I couldn't find the exact model here but I have a new victrola 50's retro 3-speed bluetooth turntable which was accidentally plugged into a 220v outlet, it's a 110v item. I brought it to an electrician and the electrician said the transistor was burned and needs to be replaced. However he could not read what was written in it to determine what model transistor I need. The neighboring transistors are either J6 or Y2. I'm not from the US so there is no way for me to get replacement parts, replace the item or get it refunded. Can anyone help? I need to be sure if it's a J6 or or Y2 transistor. The board btw is a ***LEETACE606D.***
***The link below provides the pdf of internal pictures (also can't read it):***
Below is the picture of the board of my turntable:
Plugged my 110v Victrola Retro 50s Turn table to 220v outlet
Sorry I couldn't find the exact model here but I have a new victrola 50's retro 3-speed bluetooth turntable which was accidentally plugged into a 220v outlet, it's a 110v item. I brought it to an electrician and the electrician said the transistor was burned and needs to be replaced. However he could not read what was written in it to determine what model transistor I need. The neighboring transistors are either J6 or Y2. I'm not from the US so there is no way for me to get replacement parts, replace the item or get it refunded. Can anyone help? I need to be sure if it's a J6 or or Y2 transistor. The board btw is a ***LEETACE606D.***
***The link below provides the pdf of internal pictures (also can't read it):***
Below is the picture of the board of my turntable:
Plugged my 110v Victrola Retro 50s Turn table to 220v outlet
Sorry I couldn't find the exact model here but I have a new victrola 50's retro 3-speed bluetooth turntable which was accidentally plugged into a 220v outlet, it's a 110v item. I brought it to an electrician and the electrician said the transistor was burned and needs to be replaced. However he could not read what was written in it to determine what model transistor I need. The neighboring transistors are either J6 or Y2. I'm not from the US so there is no way for me to get replacement parts, replace the item or get it refunded. Can anyone help? I need to be sure if it's a J6 or or Y2 transistor. The board btw is a ***LEETACE606D.***
***The link below provides the pdf of internal pictures (also can't read it):***
Below is the picture of the board of my turntable: