powers on connects to drone, camera rotates left,right, up and down can view through camera. gimbal does not respond to wheel on controler. has incompatible gimbal data on display. will not take off. is i a board problem or a cable
powers on connects to drone, camera rotates left,right, up and down can view through camera. gimbal does not respond to wheel on controler. has incompatible gimbal data on display. will not take off
powers on connects to drone, camera rotates left,right, up and down can view through camera. gimbal does not respond to wheel on controler. has incompatible gimbal data on display. will not take off. is i a board problem or a cable
powers on connects to drone, camera rotates left,right, up and down can view through camera. gimbal does not respond to wheel on controler. has incompatible gimbal data on display. will not take off