The quickest way to know what's wrong is to get the vehicle's OBDII port scanned and check what [|DTC codes] have been logged.
The quickest way to know what's wrong is to get the vehicle's OBDII port scanned and check what [link||DTC codes] have been logged.
If there is a code (or codes) they will tell you what the problem is.
If there is a code (or codes) it will tell you what the problem is.
Major auto parts retail stores in the USA e.g. AutoZone will do this for free apparently.
Hi @kennyhorner
The quickest way to know what's wrong is to get the vehicle's OBDII port scanned and check what [|DTC codes] have been logged.
If there is a code (or codes) they will tell you what the problem is.
Major auto parts retail stores in the USA e.g. AutoZone will do this for free apparently.