charles, first check your oil level and make sure that you do have enough oil in there. If your oil is at the proper level (check your dipstick markings) it is possible that you either have a bad oil pressure switch, a ground fault in the wire or bad compression on your engine.
charles, first check your oil level and make sure that you do have enough oil in there. If your oil is at the proper level (check your dipstick markings) it is possible that you either have a bad oil pressure switch, a ground fault in the wire or bad compression on your engine, or a bad oil pump. You can do an Oil Pressure Switch Test
1. Disconnect the Yel/Red Wire from the oil pressure switch.
2. There should be continuity between the positive terminal and the engine(ground) with the engine stopped. There should be no continuity when the engine runs.
Let us know what you find so that we may continue to assist you. Good Luck
charles, first check your oil level and make sure that you do have enough oil in there. If your oil is at the proper level (check your dipstick markings) it is possible that you either have a bad oil pressure switch, a ground fault in the wire or bad compression on your engine.