Well… Of the system was working before you packed it to move and the system,didn’t get damaged in transit, then I can’t see the logic board being the issue. But, I can see how the NVRAM battery might have died sitting so long unpowered. This battery is mostly used when the power is not present, otherwise the AC line cord offers a small vampire charge to hold the settings.
Well… If the system was working before you packed it to move and the system didn’t get damaged in transit, then I can’t see the logic board being the issue. But, I can see how the NVRAM battery might have died sitting so long unpowered. This battery is mostly used when the power is not present, otherwise the AC line cord offers a small vampire charge to hold the settings.
So I would first see if a reset clears the issue [guide|113256] if not you may need to open the system to replace the battery, sadly it’s a bit of work as you do need to pull the logic board out to get to it! Follow this guide [guide|113256] and if you look at the backside you’ll find it near the RAM sockets.
Well… Of the system was working before you packed it to move and the system,didn’t get damaged in transit, then I can’t see the logic board being the issue. But, I can see how the NVRAM battery might have died sitting so long unpowered. This battery is mostly used when the power is not present, otherwise the AC line cord offers a small vampire charge to hold the settings.
So I would first see if a reset clears the issue [guide|113256] if not you may need to open the system to replace the battery, sadly it’s a bit of work as you do need to pull the logic board out to get to it! Follow this guide [guide|113256] and if you look at the backside you’ll find it near the RAM sockets.
Well… Of the system was working before you packed it to move and the system,didn’t get damaged in transit, then I can’t see the logic board being the issue. But, I can see how the NVRAM battery might have died sitting so long unpowered. This battery is mostly used when the power is not present, otherwise the AC line cord offers a small vampire charge to hold the settings.
So I would first see if a reset clears the issue [guide|113256] if not you may need to open the system to replace the battery, sadly it’s a bit of work as you do need to pull the logic board out to get to it! Follow this guide [guide|113256] and if you look at the backside you’ll find it near the RAM sockets.