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Repair information for PowerBook G4 Aluminum laptops with 15-inch displays.

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dim backlight after my PowerBook fell down.

two days back my powerbook g4 fell down. unfortunately its backlight is not working but my harware is working well and i can see my screen display in a bright room. I m a medical student and dont know much about computers. please help me understanding and solving my problem.

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You've likely damaged the backlight or the inverter board. Inverter boards are not that expensive, however it is a difficult DIY repair. Backlights are not really a DIY repair but replacing the entire LCD (with backlight included) is. You might see if you can find someone/ someplace who could do this for you.

AS A WORK AROUND an external monitor should still work for you so you could use the laptop at home. iF an external monitor doesn't work then your problem is not with the backlight at all, but more serious.

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Despite popular opinion, inverters themselves almost never go bad. Most often in this scenario it's the screen, but it can also be the inverter cable. If you see light on the screen at any point when you flex the screen hinge, that's a pretty good indication it's the inverter cable. I would replace the inverter cable first, because it's cheap, and then next the screen. It can also be the backlight circuitry on the logic board, but it's far more often the screen or the inverter cable.

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