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Mid 2006 / Model Number: A1181 / black or white case / 1.83 or 2.0 GHz Intel Core Duo processor

418 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

Is it the antenna or airport card?

when ever i turn on the computer, my airport detects my network and others. I connect to my network but as soon as it connects the bars quickly decrease jumping from five to two and the one. then there is no bars. it stays like that. i try searching again and again for any network even mine. it doesn't detect. If I turn on & off the airport, then the whole scenario repeats.

Please help. It would improve my me in my college studies, research and such. I would be really grateful. thank you.


yes, it was the airport. thank you, now it works, of course i should've posted this like back in july of 2010, when i successfully replaced it.

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The antenna would not cause this. I would replace the airport card.

Here's how: MacBook Core Duo AirPort Card Replacement

Here's where to request the part:

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 2

3 Yorum:

+ Ralph


thank you, mr. mayer.


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I also had the same trouble and replacing the airport card solved the problem.

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