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Second generation of iPhone. Model A1241 / 8 or 16 GB capacity / black or white plastic back. Repair is more straightforward than the first iPhone. requires screwdrivers, prying, and suction tools.

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charge it the logo comes and then it turns black after water damage

i swam with my phone in the pocket, and at first it didn't wanna work at all, so i put it in rice for 1 week, and now when i charge it the logo comes and then it turns black, but it's not completely shut down, it's just a black light thing.. what to do?

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marie, trevor is partially right. Rice is great for cooking, but it has no place in electronic repair. Using rice is about the same as doing nothing. It will not repair your phone nor will it prevent any kind of corrosion. The best thing to do is to stop using the device, (remove the battery) and to totally disassemble it. Here are the guides to help you with that. Use some sterile water and rinse the parts off to remove the sale. Then clean it with +90% isopropyl alcohol and a soft brush.. This will displace the water and stop corrosion. Use this guide to get it cleaned. It is written for a 3G. It is okay to submerge a board in isopropyl alcohol. After that, air dry all the components. Do not forget to clean the connectors on the board as well as the cables. Then re-assemble with a new battery This is not optional but a must to avoid failure later on. Check your board for any missing or damaged component. Water damage is the toughest to trouble shoot and to repair. Hope this helps, good luck.

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From my experience the rice bag trick doesn't work 100%. You should remove the logic board and clean it. I used isapropyl I naught of eBay. There are good videos on YouTube that show you how to do it. Hope that helps

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