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This affordable large-screen Android phone sports a 5.7-inch display and large 3,400 mAh battery.

218 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

I broke my front screen cheap way to fix

I shattered the front screen and flooded the led or lcd fluid in there as well im looking for a cheap way to fix it help me

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Bu iyi bir soru mu?

Puan 42
5 Yorum

how can i get the screen for my zte brand?


HA same thing happened to me today I would also like to know because it makes it rather hard to use hah


How do I fix my front screen too if u got some water on the screen and have a few cracks on it


I replaced the screen but now cell saying no service ......I do have data but doesn't respond to turning on or off only wifi working....Kelly


My android ZTE ZMAX fell flat on its to the ground and shattered the front screen.


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3 Cevap

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I have called several repair shops,and not one seem to have the ability or initiative to repair my extremely shattered screen. After some further searches I found screens with digitizers for as lo w as $43 (half original price of phone). And with a few searches on you tube was able to how to replace it yourself with some older models. Hopefully they will not be to incredibly different and I will attempt to do it my self next week. If successful I will repost here with instructions and maybe a video if I find a camera seeing as how my camera is what's to be repaired lol

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 9

2 Yorum:

How'd that go?


I watch the Youtube videos on how too repair the zmax pro its so easy i took it a part in three can buy screen plus the frame on ebay for $36.00 dollars but make sure the screen is 1080p sometime the screens are cheap aftermarket chinese made screens


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where can i get my zte zmaxz pro cracked screenfixed

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Puan 4

3 Yorum:

Watch the youtube video on zmax pro screen repair you can do it yourself its easy if you can follow instruction you can do it


Where is the cheapest place to get my cellphone screen fixed?


My cellphone screen is cracked.


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How can I remove the lines from the front port of my screen

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Puan 0
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