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Sony Computer Entertainment tarafından üretilmiş bir oyun konsolu. PS4 olarak da bilinir. İlk olarak 20 Şubat 2013'de duyurulmuş ve 15 Kasım 2013'te satışa sunulmuştur.

1703 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

How do I remove and replace the Matte Top cover?

I recently dropped my PS4 onto concrete. The fall resulted in the Top Back Left of the cover to be crushed in, and the Power button to stop functioning. I tested the console and it boots, loads and plays all disks fine. I decided to attempt a repair, but i hit a snag when i couldn't figure out how to take the matte side of the top cover off. I have taken out the TORX T8 security screws (T9 bit fit better though), but the cover just wont budge. Is there a specific way to pry the cover off?

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Yes, there is a specific way to get it off...follow these steps (I'm assuming that the one black screw in the back [under the warranty sticker] has been removed along with the 2 silver ones on the top):

1) Put the console up on a table or workbench and get behind it. Pick it up in such a way that you can use your right hand to pull up on the corner where the power button is. Pull up on it several times pulling up a little more each should feel part of it on the back "give way" or come loose.

2) Still using your right hand move over to the left corner. Put your palm on the top of the PS4 and curl your fingers under the lip. Press down with your palm while pulling up with your fingers. This is the hardest part and you may come away with a scratch of even a small cut on one of your fingers if it's especially tight.

3) If done correctly it will pop up. After it pops up you can just pull it off of the back of the case.

I hope this helps...good luck!

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Puan 5

7 Yorum:

Thanks a ton! I thought i was going to snap the cover but it came off eventually


Great...I'm glad you go it off...these can be tricky.


Where is the black screw under the warranty sticker I can't find it


I'm not sure why you can't find's just right under the warranty sticker. Maybe the factory forgot to put it in!


I can't find the black screw under the warranty sticker. Where is it?


2 tane daha yorum göster

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I tried this and my power button no longer works.

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Puan 1

1 Yorum:

If your power button doesn't work then the cover either needs to be snapped down in place fully or there could be a problem with the metal contact that goes from the plastic cover to the copper pad on the motherboard.

I would try to give it a good push down where the button is and if that doesn't fix it then you may have to take it back off and have a look at the metal contact piece.

I hope this helps.


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I satill have 2 months warranty. If your like me you got your Playstation 4 in Dec. also. I'm thinking instead of me cutting myself, I'll just replace the unit using my warranty

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 0

1 Yorum:

I would definitely use the warranty since you have it.


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how can i remove the back nail from the top

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 0
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How do I remove the hard drive without Sony’s special screw?

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 0

2 Yorum:

I saw you can use a tiny flat head if you swine small enough that is


*can find not swine


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