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Possible upgrades for an old system

Hi beautiful people,

I am not an expert on OS X, but I don not understand why I can not upgrade my system.

Bought my computer in 2006 (yes it is an oldie but still I love it)

Type: Macbook Pro 17"

System: 2.16 Ghz Intel Core Duo

2 Gb 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM

Can I realize an upgrade by changing the RAM or something els.

Because now I get messages to upgrade Safari or Google and all the upgrades do not run on my system.

Or if not could I also change this macbook pro into an Lynux system?

Looking forward to your replies, would mean a lot to me to have this machine still working as updated as possible,

Musical happy and healthy greetings,

Bastiaan Athonie Baaij


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The limits of the systems hardware is holding you back here. It's only 32 bit clean so many of these newer apps just won't run under the older OS you have on this system. In addition, you can't upgrade the RAM beyond 2 GB.

Sadly its time for a newer system (new or used).

As to running a different OS, while one can run older versions of Linux it too faces the same limitations of the hardware being only 32 bit and limited RAM.

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 1
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