Why is my camera showing error code C:13:01?
My Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-TX9 camera is showing error code C:13:01 when you start it and it will not recognize memory card also.
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My Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-TX9 camera is showing error code C:13:01 when you start it and it will not recognize memory card also.
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@agbor this error happens because of a bad connection between the contacts of the memory card and the camera. Try the card in a memory card reader and see if it works, also backup all your files. Then try to clean the contacts of the card with a pencil eraser. You also want to insert and remove the card a couple of times to see if it starts making proper contact. Wiggle the card a few times to see if the error will disappear. Ultimately you could also try a new memory card.
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Just cleaning the contacts didn't work. I then used a pencil on them , success, a bit of graphite works wonders.
Try a contact burnisher if you have one.
I made a burnisher using 400 wet/dry sandpaper glued to a .020" x .300 x maybe 3.0". Take the burnisher, carefully put it into the memory slot and give the contacts a couple of short up down strokes. The eraser trick often works. I'd try that also.
A minha filmadora é uma HDR-CX 240. A entrada de cartão é a menor possível, portanto, nesse caso, não cabe adaptador. Apresenta o erro C:13:01. Será necessário abrir a filmadora para limpar os contatos?
My camcorder is an HDR-CX 240. The card slot is as small as possible, so in this case, there is no adapter. It displays error C: 13: 01. Will I need to open the camcorder to clean the contacts?
Everybody stop what you’re doing ‼️
I got the same error code on my Sony Cyber-shots. 32 MB is as big as they get for 14.1 pixel cameras. I had to tear my hair out and nearly ruined my camera with a diamond encrusted nail file trying to clean my contacts inside that slot. ⚡️
for me it was just the "lock" switch on the memory card. I had really forgotten that some cards have these.
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I have the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-P52 that I gotten from I think the thrift store an I got the same message and I don't know where to buy new memory stick at if they still make them for that camera anyways I tried everything I could think of and nothing work, can anyone tell what I could do plus know where to buy memory stick for that camera
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Dear Elizabeth did you tried Amazon.com? I found last week a listing of a 'Sony Memory Stick Adapter' ($8.99) and a couple of 'Memory Stick Duo' adaptors ($5) for classic 'Micro SD' cards. Just keep in mind choose small SD cards afterwards cause the camera may not be able to handle large capacity of GB.. Hope it will work out for you . Best of luck!
A ton of them on Ebay
I purchased the newer memory stick and camera adopter for my Cybershot DSC-707 purchased in 2003 and I get a memory stick error C:13:01. I suspect my older camera cannot handle the capacity of the new sticks.
Oh okay, so this is a modern memory stick issue thing huh. Or I guess the camera could not process the MEmory stick because it is not a genuine product. I also own a Sony DSC-L1 and I get the same message unless I re-insert the memory card all the time.
This might be late, and it's 2024 now, but cleaning the contacts of the card (the gold one) is very wrong. Such a B.S. advice. That will damage the card. Some people try fixing the battery by removing and attaching it back, but is a temporary solution. There are several factors or causes as some say, and they could differ depending on the situation.
My DSC-L1 had the same problem. For 2 days, while the cam is turned on I have removed the memory stick and attached it again just for it to work. The VX (Fine) mode was limited to 5 seconds only.
I soon realized it was a Memory stick compatibility problem. Now, I am able to work it, and I can even use the digicam without errors, and use the VX mode without any limits.
Take a look at this Memory Stick compatibility chart for your reference:
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hello ! im having the same problem with a Sony DSC-S90 , i use a Memory Stick 16GB which used to be fine, but now im getting the C:13:01 error... Is it a compatibility error or should i repair my camera ??
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I have a new card but how do I clean the contacts in the camera without damaging the camera?
Anthony Rojek tarafından
It's got nothing to do with dirty contacts. The idea that card contacts can be dirty is rubbish because the card stays inside the camera so they can never get dirty, ever !. Even when having to handle it, everybody knows you're not supposed to touch the contacts. You always remove it, holding it from the opposite end anyway. This fix is B.S. I cleaned my contacts and it's still in error. It says card is non compliant. More B.S. because I've been using the same card and others like it for years. How is it all of a sudden "non-compliant" Something in the camera has gone bad. Like "planned Obsolescence" for example. Sony plan this so the device becomes defective after a set period of time so we have to go and by another of their product. Well guess what ? I won't be. I have taken very good care of my camera and for this to just suddenly happen is a complete farce. Sony and others like them are criminals and should be shamed for this practice.
Tony Montana tarafından
Tony - You are absolutely correct! Sony plays this game so you buy a new camera! Cleaning the 'contacts' in the camera?! Nothing but a joke & impossible! By the way - if you put a new battery in a camera and it reads 'not compatible' or 'use compatible battery only' - it's over charged. Try to discharge it connecting a bulb to it - I know, I have done it. Good luck!
Robert Alvarado tarafından