Pictures off of phone

I washed my phone in the washer. I let it dry out for four days before plugging it in. When I did nothing happened. I have a few questions about getting files off my phone. 1. If I put it on a wireless charger will the battery maybe charge or is it something inside that's ruined. I'm wondering if it's just the battery that's shot or if there could be many things wrong

2. Can a data recovery service really get pictures off of it?

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Many things wrong. When the internals come into contact with liquid damage, shorting of components occur and they start to burn out / go faulty depending on the severity of the water damage.

I don't think trying to charge the phone via a wireless charger is a good idea and will most likely in result damage the phone furthermore.

The logic board and any liquid damaged board components should be cleaned with 99% isopropyl alcohol and / or run through a ultrasonic cleaner. I'd take it to a phone repair shop that does liquid damage repairs.


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