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A series of 40 inch LCD HDTVs by Sony.

193 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

no red standby led power is good, cables are in place

The set was not connected to the outside world. It is on a good quality surge protector. Battery in remote is good. Nothing happens.

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Joe Kochensparger how did you check the "no red standby led power is good"? You do not have the standby LED turning on? You did check the power and it has power on the boards? What exact model is it?


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This problem most of the times it's a dead circuit inside the motherboard.So you can't do much , just send it to a technician to check it out.

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

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3 Yorum:

@acnologia this is ifixit where you are the technician to check it out. We try and assist people in repairing their own devices not send them to get it fixed.


@oldturkey03 you forget something really basic. That many people don't understand not even the difference between VLK ,and GLK_VOL ,inside the motherboard. I have to explain to him that,and teach him about this. So are you sure,i am not doing good job ?


@acnologia nobody says you are not doing a good job. This is about showing and teaching how to repair the device. If you feel that being corredcted on your answers then you are right. Answers that suggest to get a device repaired somewhere else are not what this should be about. How do you know what the person that ask the question knows and can do unless you clarify that? It may not be politically correct to even suggest that your answers are sometimes insufficient, but that does not make a difference. You may be Error 1439 what is it? but should really consider what those corrections are telling you. This is not to question your skills or abilities, it's questioning the values of your answer to the OP.


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