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Early 2011 Model: A1278 / 2.3 GHz i5 or 2.7 GHz i7 processor

784 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

USB ports not working

MacBook Pro 13" 2011

My USB ports keep ejecting devices. I have been quoted £450 to fit a new motherboard. Is it possible to use a USB- C digital adapter that also has a USB port ( for plugging cameras etc in ) for data transfer? If not is there another solution to connect a device such as a Garmin GPS without a working USB port?

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So I’ve been having this issue as well, it comes and goes.

I just tried it out today to see if it would do anything.

If you have an iPhone, try plugging it into the port that isn’t working, and fill the other ports with USB devices if possible(this is what worked for me).

I’m unsure of how or why it worked but I did this after all the reset steps and it seems to have, temporarily, resolved the issue.


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The 2011 Macbook Pro 13" has standard USB ports (not USB C). Try an SMC reset and NVRAM reset, in case it is software related.

Depending on where you are in the world, take it to someone who can replace the soldered components on the board, instead of replacing the whole board. Usually this issue is related to the USB mux circuit on the board, or burnt ferrite beads (but it would be odd if the beads for each port burnt out).

Google "macbook repairs" and you should come across some companies offering logic board repairs, at a significantly lower cost.

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Apple tier 1 depot repair? Cheaper.


In the UK (I think that's where they are based) companies usually offer logic board repairs for under the equivalent of 200$. I am not sure how much/if Apple offer this service in the UK, but I get a lot of business offering it for £80-£170, so I assume it costs a lot since most customers get quoted the price OP said.


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You may want to take a look at what you've been plugging in here.

Often using the wrong AC adapter for the external device can overload the USB circuit, so the fuse link protecting the system gets burnt, then the other devices that need power from the system can't get it.

Try this: Get a powered USB hub (making sure you use the correct AC adapter with it). Plug this into your system that has a bad port, then plug in the other devices you are using into the hub. Is the device showing up now? If it is then the fuse link on that port is blown. This is an easy fix but you do need access to the correct tools and the part.

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