Ana içeriğe geç

An Android 4.4 smartphone released in August 2014.

108 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

Why cant I see anything?

My phone was working just fine. then it died so I put it to charge ... on turning it back on I cant see anything ... just a bunch of colors and lines. From my knowledge it didn't drop or anything fell on it that couldn't cause malfunction ... please help !!

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Bu iyi bir soru mu?

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2 Yorum

Have you tried restarting it after you turned it on and saw those lines?


Cameron ... many times


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En Yararlı Yanıt

If you dont care about data loss try this

If you do care if you lose all your data, try it but only to get to the menu. Once your there DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER.

If it makes it to the menu fine without the error, let me know but if it doesnt, we can figure out other options

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 1
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Yanıtını ekle

Shanna Jones sonsuza kadar minnettar olacak.
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