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Model A1136 / 30, 60, or 80 GB hard drive / black or white plastic front

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recycling of battery and display


Wanted to know if there are any suggestions about what to do with the old battery and the old display i just replaced in my laptop. can i just throw it away or is it harmful?

would maybe be a nice aspect to deal with in all those (perfect!!) iFixit manual: what to do with what the people replaced, right?

thanks, flo

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From your laptop or your iPod? And are they good or bad?


the battery is old, thats why i replaced it, the dsiplay is broken too.


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The best option is to find a reputable recycler and recycle it. It should cost money, unless a vendor like Dell, IBM, HP, Apple, etc is funding it. Very few organizations can handle used computer donations responsibly, and I'd be especially leery of a group shipping electronics overseas.

The two environmentally and morally hazardous places that these donations are likely to end up are:

  • In a landfill, possibly leaching lead, cadmium and other nasties into the watershed
  • In an ersatz smelter in the third world where the impoverished burn electronics for copper and gold. There are individuals who actively smuggle junk electronics and CRTs places like Ghana for this purpose.

I suppose it depends on where you are located on this beautiful planet. For me the answer would be that some stores take it for recycle the correct way like Office Max, Office Depot, Bestbuy. Some schools also collect old stuff to earn money like empty ink cartdriges, old computers, cameras, cell. phoneetc. As for the display speak with somebody at your local landfill site or the local repair shops. A lot of ties they are the ones that can tell you about your local requirement and ordnances. Good luck and thanks :)

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There are different benefits which you can derive from this:

1. Protecting the environment: With the batteries being a typical attribute in so many landfills, these consist of different heavy metal that is a mixture of nickel and cadmium. Cathode ray tubes incorporate lead and the motherboards have the chromium.

2. Restoring the beneficial areas: Even though the outdated computer machines are ineffective and inefficient, recycling the laptop parts can be really beneficial.

3. Boost affordability: computer system prospective buyers can expend quite less on their personal computer because of the fact that recycled computer is cheaper.

4. Earn some dollars: Well, computer recycling warrington is changing into competitive sector. Therefore it is suggested to think about the several rates before choosing recycling business, to get some optimum added benefits.

Safe PC Disposal | Secure Hard Drive Destruction

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Try this web site.

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