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A television game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment; the PlayStation 4 Slim (CUH-2000 Series) is a thinner replacement model for the original PS4. Announced September 7, 2016.

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Optical disc drive not taking in discs

How's it going.

I have my PS4 Slim (CUH 2015a) and I have been having issues with the optical disc drive where it won't let me insert discs or if I put the tip of the disc in the drive it will pop up with unrecognizable disc but if I put it in when it's off and use the manual eject to get the disc in there it will work. If a disc is in there and I press the eject button it will eject it and then proceeds to keep trying to eject it for about a minute. I took my PS4 apart and had tried to find a problem but everything seems fine. I made sure all cables are properly in place and all the parts are moving as they should. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to get this fixed.

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I'm guessing it's the sensor that pulls the disc in, I was wondering if you would have any Idea if it's possible to change it or even just replacing the wholes disc drive without anything else.


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While there is no way for me to know for sure without having it at my shop to test it sounds like there is probably something inside the drive that is faulty. It may be the sensors that tell it to pull the disc in or possibly even the drive motor that turns the rollers or even the belt. It's also possible that it's one of the chips or components on the motherboard although that is less likely.

I wish I could be more helpful but there isn't just one common thing that causes this type of problem.

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@Buck I'm responding here instead of up above so my response stays in my answer thread.

Yes, it's possible to change the sensor, but they rarely go bad. You can also change the entire disc drive and that would probably fix it but it is always possible that it's a problem on the motherboard.


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OK, well where is this sensor located on the Blu ray drive? I have the older fatter ps4 version. I do t know the model number sadly but the HD is a 500gb.

I've read the new 5.05 firmware update causes problems w faulty blu ray drives.

The issue began 3 days ago. I spilled a bottle of water and about 25% got on my console. I immediately unplugged all, dried it up, and used a hair dryer. Opened it up to check for water, nothing. Closed console but not all the way. When I tried to insert a game, it would not load. The motor made a weird engaging like sound. When no disk was in. I tried to force feed disk, but dust drive wouldn't engage. The rollers are fine, fuses all fine, back switches respond. It's just, what the heck actually recognizes that a game is being inserted so the console can begin taking in the game? What is it called and its location?

When I stick a blu ray in the drive with it opened and closed it back and seal the connectors etc, it eventually shows a question mark on the screen where the title normally displays n says unrecognizable. Sorry for length but I'm trying to be detailed here. One other thing, the left roller does look slightly higher than the right.

I'm so out of options n don't really have the cash to buy a new drive but IF I did, I know I need to keep the original logic board and swap it, but if my ic chip is faulty or something? Could by ohm reader detect it? It detects the dudes and all are fine as are the capacitors n transistors. I'm guessing ic chip should be cool to?

But ya the main question is, what actually tells the drive to hey wake up and accept this disc! What engages the rollers to spin? Cuz I think that's my culprit. Thank u, ur videos are amazing

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The ohm reader detects the fuses lmao not the dudes.


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