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1.83 GHz Core Duo or 1.83, 2, or 2.16 GHz Core 2 Duo A1208 (EMC 2104/2110/2114/2124)

201 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

On off switch works, but not well

My on off switch on my 17" imac works, but I have to apply allot of pressure to turn the computer on. It feels like the switch is pushed in a little to far. Is there a way I can fix this?

Thank you,


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Bu iyi bir soru mu?

Puan -1
1 Yorum

If I just have to remove the left speaker, then I'll attempt this if not I'll wait until the switch stops turning the computer on.

Thanks for you help again.


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2 Cevap

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Seçilen Çözüm

There is a small retainer that holds your ON?OFF button in place. Your button has probably moved a little bit and come out from under that tab. It should be very easy to put it back in place under the tab. Ufortunatly you'll have to open it up to get to it. You can see it in this diagram. You may or may not have to remove the CPU fan: iMac Intel 17" CPU Fan Replacement

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 2

1 Yorum:

Hi Mayer,

Well, I think I'm about to attempt this project. I have a couple of questions.

1. It seems to me that I don't have to do all the steps to get to the on/off switch. I don't think I have to remove the CPU board, is that right?

It looks like I can go up to about step 14 where I remove the left speaker where the switch is under and adjust the switch. Do you think that will do it?

2. Can I buy the T10 Torz screwdriver at Radio Shack?

Thanks again.


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Thank you Mayer.

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Puan 0
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