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The Nintendo Switch is a handheld game console that can be played on the TV via a docking station, or on the go. Released March 3rd, 2017.

709 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

My switch made a pop noise gave me an error code & never turned on?

My switch made a pop noise gave me an error code that told me to turn it off I was downloading a game at the time. Once I turned it off it never turned on again could someone give me an answer?

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Any idea what the error code was?


I have no idea what it was sorry if sombody could find an error code simular than that would be very helpful. I think i might just send it into nentendo ask them to put the old memory card from the swich I have now in a new one and then buy that one. But if someone could help me that would be great. :)


Could the error code have been "2001-0114"? This displays usually when there is a software issue. I've found replacing the wifi module usually fixes this.


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Hello. I do not know what error code you got. However, this link might help you diagnose your problem.

Hope it helps.

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