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A series of 40 inch LCD HDTVs by Sony.

193 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

Fire stick made my channels black and white

I am working off just an antenna for TV service, My son plugged in the fire stick from his fathers (that was originally plugged into that TV - before I moved out) and it has made all the regular/antenna channels black and white. Color is gone...

IF we are watching something off the fire stick - channels are in color...

HELP - what do I need to do to get it back to color.. I have tried the setting in the TV, fire stick and the antenna... Nothing is helping.



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Sounds like the internal tuner has issues?

Check the coaxial (round cable) from the tv antenna plug to the antenna is completely screwed on.

If this doesn't fix it, the cheapest and quickest way to repair this is to buy an external tuner.

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