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PlayStation 3 (veya daha sık bilinen adıyla PS3), Sony Computer Entertainment tarafından üretilen üçüncü ev bilgisayar eğlence sistemidir ve PlayStation 2'nin akabinde devamı olarak üretilmiştir. 11 Kasım 2006'da piyasaya sürüldü.

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PS3 turns on, green light, no video signal. Help?

I've always loved my PS3, but recently I've had this problem where when I turn my system on, the HDD light doesn't blink and there is no video output before the system freezes and it won't turn off unless I flip the switch in the back. I'm not a techy person so terminology might be lost on me, so if anybody could put into laments terms what's wrong with my system so I could get a start on how to fix it, it would greatly help. I've tried resetting it by holding the power button until it beeps twice but it only beeps once after ten seconds and shuts off again. it's not a video cord thing, and I've noticed that when I start it up the fans don't even spin. I really don't wanna replace my system if I don't have to, and I have an older ps3 with a fried motherboard I can use for parts if I need anything from it. Can anybody help, or is it time to let the past go and get a new system?

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I have this problem too I was playing game but I want to save the game but it doesn't save I was playing svr 11 wwe it say harddisk corrupted when I press home button on controller and quit the game the screen turns black and after this I plugged out tv and when I tried to open it it shows black screen stuck on green light no HDD flash indication no beeps can someone help me


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When you try to turn it on right after you plug in the power cord and flip the switch, does it beep then beeps again and transitions from green to yellow then flashing red in the end?

If yes, the PS3 has overheated and the only way to get that working temporarily if your lucky is to do a reflow of the main processing chip (reball of the main processor chip is the best solution long term but I don’t think there are any repair stores out there that offer that service)

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Hello. It’s hard to say. It could be a bad hard drive issue. It can also be a bad component on the board. It could be a cpu problem maybe.

Honestly,it’s not something I can really answer. If you use a multimeter,you could test components.

Did anything happen recently? Has it frozen in the middle of games or anything? Anything that would have signified this would happen?

if the ps os is corrupt,it can cause this issue.

It it can be a bad component.

Bad cpu

bad ic(control chip).

honestly,if you can test this stuff,great. But time wise,it may be more efficient to get a ps3 off of eBay or at GameStop. They can be found for less than $80.

I did find this link for you. I’d give it a try. Very often,file corruptions can cause problems. It’s hard to say though.

ALSO!!!! Try to open it and remove the hard drive,then try to boot. See if it powers on and says there’s no hard drive inserted. Please tell me if this works.

Good luck. Reply if you wish! I’d like to help as much as I can. But nobody can really tell you what’s wrong for sure…

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