Ana içeriğe geç

Apple's 2016 revision to their laptop lineup targeted at professional users. Features a 15-inch, 2880-by-1800 Retina display, quad-core Intel Core i7, 256 GB / 512 GB /1 TB / 2TB storage options, 16 GB RAM, and a keyboard equipped with a Touch Bar. Released November 2016. Features Model A1707.

263 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

Black screen but backlight works and external works

I’m asking for a friend.

He put some pressure on the screen when something was under it and the screen is now black. However the backlight works and the machine works on an external monitor.

The glass is has a hairline crack, but isn’t shattered.

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The screen needs to be replaced. These screens go for about $440 USD (part only) average.

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 4

2 Yorum:

where did you find the part that cheap?


Ebay. Probably not the best place to buy reinvent parts though.


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We do not have a guide for replacing the display on the 15” model but the guide for doing the 13” will work just fine. The guide is marked as Moderate Difficulty but I found it to be difficult. While taking it apart is not that hard, putting it back together is. The T3 screws were tough for me.

MacBook Pro 13" Touch Bar Late 2016 Display Assembly Replacement

Now make sure you are sitting down when looking up a price!

Silver Apple Part #:


Space Gray Apple Part #:


Given the $800 price tag for the display, I would contact Apple directly at

1-800-MYAPPLE and request a “Flat Rate” depot repair and see if they will give you a better price.

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

Puan 3
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