Screen dead after battery replacement

My screens backlight is dead after battery installation.

My MacBook Pro was working as the screen was working fine.

My only problem was the battery that was swelling in size. Got my replacement battery very quickly, everything worked out fine, I followed the instructions to the letter, was calm and focused.

Tried everything (SMC/NVRAM reset, draining the battery, Safe Mode, etc.) it still does not work.

Now my MacBook screen is not working.

Any help will be VERY welcome.

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What happens when you aim a flashlight into the lids Apple Logo? Can you see your desktop and its icons?


Yes. I can. This is why I think it's either the backlight itself or the circuit powering it. I'm using the laptop with a n external screen now and everything else is fine.


Try smc reset and pram reset the guide is posted on i fixit forum in details

How to reset the SMC, PRAM and NVRAM on a Mac Laptop


OK will try, just in case the way I did it before was wrong.


Tried it again, unfortunately nothing changed. Thanks anyway.


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