MacBook Does Not Turn On.
I recently got a new mac book air 2015 and it originally did not power on, not only did it not power on but it also showed no lights when plugged in.
I opened but the back of it and unplugged the battery from the logic board. The only thing this did was made the light on the charger turn back on.
I then reset the SMC and PRAM and plugged the battery back in
When I reset the SMC the charging light cycled from orange to green like it typically would
After doing all of these the device still doesn’t turn on.
However when I press the power button the fan begins to spin and I can feel the heat pipe getting warmer but, the charging light doesn’t cycle and there is no chime.
I feel like there is a post code issue that is occurring but I don’t know what it would be
Any help would be appreciated.
Bu iyi bir soru mu?