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iPhone'un 5. jenerasyonu. Cihazın onarımı basittir; tornavidalar, kanırtma aletleri ve sabır gerektirir. GSM/CDMA / 16, 32 ya da 64 GB / Siyah ya da Beyaz.

2203 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

Why is my phone hot and very short battery life

my I phone 4S gets hot and Battery life is short

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Might be an idea to open up the unit and do a visual inspection of the battery. You could try replacing it with a new battery to see if that clears up the thermal problem. If it doesn't, the increase in heat you have observed could be a sign of component failure or malfunctioning. Might also want to do a search through for symptoms similar to your own. I have also seen an app recommended here called coconutbattery which may help in determining the battery's condition.


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It could be a bad battery. Does it get hot when it is charging only,or even when discharging?

Sometimes a small short can happen. This causes more electricity to flow from the battery and be wasted in heat. A short is when 2 electrical points touch that should not be touching.

You can try to replace the battery. It is quite old now.

It can be a software glitch as well. It’s really trial and error at this point.

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