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Wi-Fi only version of Apple's 2nd generation iPad Air. Model A1566.

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Diagnose a faulty charging port


I have an Ipad air 2 that doesn’t charge now.

A couple of month ago, I dropped it with the cable in, and unfortunately it damaged something inside.

But for some weeks, it charged anyway when i pushed the cable down so I thought it’s the port that had been damaged.

After some days, suddenly it lost it’s audio and a week later it stoped charging.

It recognized the charger when it’s plugged in (turns on the screen. but it isn’t recognized by pc or itunes) And it’s fully drained now.

So I took it to a repair shop to change the lightning port and unexpectedly, they told me it’s mainboard that is damaged not the charging port. They said also they tried to changed it and didn’t work.

And the battery is swollen also.

I took it back without repair because they asked me quite much money as a used one.

Here’s my question.

I still have doubt if it’s the logic board problem really.

Is there any way to diagnose the charge port and the logic board by myself if they are working properly?

Because it charged anyway for a while and it lost the audio, too. I read it could be a problem of charging flex.

Or it can be just a battery problem that the system prevents it from exploding?

Thanks for reading

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The first thing you should try is to turn it off and back on again. Assuming that your iPad still has some battery life remaining, restart the iPad and then try to charge it again. There's a good chance that the simple act of rebooting it will solve the charging problem.

If the problem still persists, check out the Apple guides.

Follow These Quick Tips To Get Sound Back On Your iPad!

  • Toggle Mono Audio On and Off
  • Plug and unplug headphones for devices with a headphone jack
  • Toggle your iPad’s Side Switch (if applicable)
  • Change your iPad’s Side Switch Setting to lock orientation instead of mute
  • Open Control Center and adjust Mute or Volume from there
  • Toggle Bluetooth Off and On
  • Check the Do Not Disturb is off
  • Restart or force restart your iPad

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