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The larger version of Samsung's flagship phone, the Galaxy S8+. Released in April 2017.

167 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

Phone turning off even with slightest bump

I dropped my phone accidentally on the floor my phone became dead and it won't open no matter what I do…So,I charged my phone and then tried…It turned on but shuted down after a few minutes..After the drop,my mobile turns off even with slightest bump…So,this kept going on..I opened the phone and checked if anything was broken or something…Nothing was noticable..So,I screwed the phone back…Now,It isn't shutting off but the slightest bump is still turning my phone off…

Note: I've been using this phone for 2 years and it never had any issues like this before..Dunno what ta do????

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To me, this sounds like a bad display connection. It could just be the cable on the screen, or it could be the connector on the logic board. I’ve found lots of times that even when something doesn’t appear damaged at first, parts can just go bad no matter what. You could try purchasing a new display, or making sure the little bits of the connector on the logic board aren’t damaged (with a magnifying glass)

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