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Model A1040 / 10, 15, 20, 30, or 40 GB hard drive / four touch-sensitive LED backlit buttons above touch wheel

97 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

Trouble after restoring this iPod?

I just got this iPod off of ebay, I have had the same exact one before but never had any issues. Well it was having problems showing up in iTunes so I restored it. Problem is now all it is showing on the screen is the picture of the dock connector. I have tried plugging it into the wall, I keep trying to plug it into the computer, etc. It won't do anything. What can I do? Please help I am desperate!!

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UPDATE: I plugged it back into the mac I charge it on and it worked.. So maybe the battery is dead? I use the iBook to charge it and the Dell to put music on it. FYI.


Now I have gotten it to the point where it is copying my library to it, then it all the sudden just dies. I think it might be the battery? I charged it for about an hour and it was showing little charge? Are these easy to switch out batteries or should I return it to the person that sold it to me?


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iPod 3rd and 4th generation will require a Firewire Adapter to sync and restore, they do not use USB. USB Support: Sync Only Firewire Support: Sync & Charge

Details: The iPod 3G models are capable of charging and syncing by Firewire via the dock connector. These models can only sync using USB.

Connectivity: Firewire & USB Ports: Dock, Headphone*

from here You will also need a Firewire AC adapter to restore the iPod. You may not need a battery, it might only be flat due to not receiving a charge through the USB.Hope this helps, good luck

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