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PlayStation 3 (veya daha sık bilinen adıyla PS3), Sony Computer Entertainment tarafından üretilen üçüncü ev bilgisayar eğlence sistemidir ve PlayStation 2'nin akabinde devamı olarak üretilmiştir. 11 Kasım 2006'da piyasaya sürüldü.

784 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

Where are the thermal pads located in ps3 cechk03?

I want to re asemble my ps3 cechk03 and I don't know the location of the thermal pads on the DIA-002 motherboard.

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Not exactly sure where they are, but usually they’re located on power delivery circuits and RAM chips. A handy way to figure out their location is by looking at the heat shields or heatsink and see where there are raised areas. Those areas are where thermal pads go.

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Thank you so much!


@Fortnite Squad You're welcome!


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