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The Nintendo 2DS is a handheld gaming device developed as an entry level version of the Nintendo 3DS with nearly identical hardware, but without the 3D upper screen function.

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Best way to remove top screen protective film?

Ive seen videos of people removing the top screens film with a hair dryer, but curious if using like an air station is better, or if theres a alternative better way to remove the scratched film I’m trying to replace. I have an air station but don’t want to damage the ds itself. Low heat? High heat and try to get it off quickly? Any help is appreciated

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You could try very carefully and slowly using a razor blade. Wedge the razor blade in between the film and the screen and only push enough to get a small corner to grab and peel slowly.

Steam will also work. Always do low heat.

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Cody DaGoat sonsuza kadar minnettar olacak.
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