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Repair and disassembly information for the second-generation iPhone SE that was announced and released in April of 2020.

246 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

Why is my phone not turning on after a screen replacement

So I had replaced the screen for my IPhone SE and I had connected the cables and connected back the battery but when I started put the metal plates back on and tried to turn on the phone and it doesn’t turn on or respond

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Hi Calebr,

This isn't at all uncommon, so it's not time to panic yet. First thing to do is go back through all the steps and recheck your work. Unplug the display and touch screen connectors and check them carefully with a magnifying glass and a bright light. You're looking for any bent or broken pins on either the flex cable or the motherboard.

If you find any bent ones, they can often be straightened with fine tip tweezers. If there are any missing or broken pins take a picture and add it to your question and we'll see if we can figure out what your next step should be.

Assuming those connectors look okay, clean them with 90% or higher concentration of isopropyl alcohol and reconnect them.

Now do the same thing with the battery connector; check the pins, clean it and reconnect it.

If you still have no joy then it may be time to reevaluate exactly what's wrong. Is there any sign of life? Does the phone vibrate when you flip the silent/ring switch? Any reaction to pressing the home button? Is it recognized when you plug it into a computer?

What you want to do at this point is to try and figure out whether it's simply a case of not being able to see anything on the display, or if the phone doesn't have any power. In the first case you may want to try reconnecting the original screen, as it's always possible your replacement screen is defective. In the second case, you'll need to evaluate if something has been damaged on the battery, it's connector or possibly the charging circuit. Check the small components mounted around the battery connector for any sign that one has been broken or knocked off.

Check through the things I've mentioned and let us know what you find.

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