Ana içeriğe geç

Infinix Mobile is a Chinese entry level smartphone company founded in 2013.

149 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

My phone is not vibrating

My phone is not vibrating

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Bu iyi bir soru mu?

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1 Cevap

Filtre ölçütü:

@anmolloni you can expect a more precise answer when we know what model your phone is. Ultimately there are two things that could be wrong with it. Once it, that you have vibration turned off in settings and the other one is a failed vibration motor. Check your settings first.

Bu yanıt yardımcı oldu mu?

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Yanıtını ekle

Anmol loni sonsuza kadar minnettar olacak.
İstatistikleri Görüntüle:

Son 24 Saat: 0

Son 7 gün: 0

Son 30 gün: 0

Her zaman: 22