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The Nintendo 3DS XL 2015, marketed as the New Nintendo 3DS XL, was released October 11, 2014 in Japan and February 13, 2015 in North America.

376 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

My N3Ds XL has CFW, but when it turns on it crashes.

My N3Ds XL has CFW, but when it turns on it crashes. It sometimes has a red notification light, occasionally yellow—also a power light. I tried everything the Homebrew people said. I don't know what to do now. Can someone help?

Sorry for the quality this is one of its crashes

Block Image

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What happens when it crashes? Do you get an arm11 exception? If so, add a picture of the exception screen, otherwise let us know what happens instead


@darthmango Yep, sometimes it has something about SysNand I'll send a pic in a bit. It also just freezes.


@emperorzeroreal that pic is going to be very important, because b9s should not be flip-flopping between a red and yellow light


@emperorzeroreal did you take that picture? The site says you added something, but I don't see it


@darthmango I tried


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Take the SD card out of the console. Power it on, if it boots to the standard 3DS home screen it means you made a change and messed up the SD card. You can restore from a backup if you made one.

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