Strange charging behavior with no amber led
I bought a MBA 11" as not tested, and it does not charge, or show any led on the charger. How ever, when i disconnected the interconnect cable to the I/O board and connected the charger, the charger lit up green. After i reconnecter the interconnect cable and plugged the charger back in, the green led lit up and faded shortly after. I checked the charger with my MBP 2015 13" and it works flawlessly. what could cause this behavior?
Bu iyi bir soru mu?
1st step would be to install and see what the battery status is.....
livfe tarafından
Are you using a MagSafe 1 to MagSafe 2 adapter?
Like this one?
The MagSafe to MagSafe 2 Converter allows you to use the MagSafe connector on your LED Cinema Display, Thunderbolt Display, or MagSafe Power Adapter to charge your MagSafe 2-equipped Mac computer.
BTL Repair AU tarafından
I am using a genuine Apple Magsafe 2 charger. The macbook is completly flat, so i can‘t imstall Coconut battery
Junkmac_collector tarafından
@junkmaccol17375 - Did you replace the cable and I/O board?
Dan tarafından
I do not have those replacement parts on hand right now, but will order them soon
Junkmac_collector tarafından