2 Cevap 1 Puan |
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How do I fix the recording button? |
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Why won't my camera turn on? |
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My camera makes a tikking buzzing sound and the sreen is black |
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Access and diagnose common camcorder issues with the Canon Vixia HF S10 Troubleshooting page.
Background Information
The Canon Vixia HF S10 was released on February 1, 2009. This camcorder has many features that consist of the following: a Dual Flash Memory of 32GB, an Internal Flash Drive, and a SDHC card slot. This Canon Vixia is well known for its Genuine Canon 10x HD Video Lens and 8.59 Megapixel Full HD CMOS Image Sensor. This camcorder also offers a high resolution 1920 x 1080 Full HD Recording.
The Canon Vixia has a 24Mbps Recording and a SuperRange Optical Image Stabilization. The Instant AF (Auto Focus) allows you to take capture high quality images. This 2009 Canon Vixia HF S10 has many great features and it is very well equipped.