6. Installing Klipper Screen
1. adıma gitIn this guide I will show you how to setup Klipper screen on a Big Tree Tech PiTFT50 screen.
You need to set the OS to boot to console
sudo raspi-config
1 System Options > S5 Boot / Auto Login > B1 Console. Then reboot
Download and install KlipperScreen
cd ~/KlipperScreen
When the install is finished reboot the RPI. This will take some time to install so feel free to get yourself a cold beverage and relax for a little bit.
If you used the latest version of Mainsail(v7.0) skip this next command.
Regardless if you used the latest version or not run
bash ~/moonraker-timelapse/install.sh
Make sure printer.cfg calls the timelapse config
[include timelapse.cfg]
Make sure the [timelapse] section is uncommented in moonraker.conf