How to repair hem/cuff binding
1. adıma gitBinding hems can break if they get stretched too much, and can easily become more and more frayed. This simple fix can repair the hem quickly and easily.
Neye ihtiyacın var
Here, you can see the hole in the binding hem, where the stitching has broken.
If the binding is undamaged, you can easily repair this defective hem.
Cut away any broken threads, to clean the binding area.
Then, position the binding properly again along the sleeve hem.
Remove the wide casing of the sewing machine, and slide the sleeve over the narrow part remaining.
Carefully line up the hem with the needle, and reposition the binding into the correct place.
Start sewing with a smooth tension to ensure the elasticity remains afterwards. Avoid bunching or over stretching the fabric.
Continue carefully until the end of the defective zone, and finish with a locking stitch.
Remove the item and check if the repair is holding, and whether the elasticity still stretches correctly.
🛠️🏆👏 Congratulations! The repair is complete, and you're ready to go!
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