Logitech C920 Webcam Disassembly
Neye ihtiyacın var
Na parte inferior da WebCam, remova os adesivos nos dois lados
Para remontagem de seu dispositivo, siga estas instruções na ordem inversa.
Para remontagem de seu dispositivo, siga estas instruções na ordem inversa.
İptal et: Bu kılavuzu tamamlamadım.
38 farklı kişi bu kılavuzu tamamladı.
31 Yorum
Excellent! Helped me figure out how to get the base off to mount it to an ikea worklamp as a hacky boom.
Can you post a guide or technique of the process?
Or share some photos? (On meta.ifixit.com)
I did not understand your question.
This repair guide contains several photos.
thanks for an excellent guide . I am now more positive that it is something I can perform now. Many thanks
im having trouble releasing the 4 screws on step 3!!! the screw driver keeps slipping and i’ve tried a few and another webcam…