1. adıma gitThe TK85 was a ZX81 clone made by Microdigital Eletrônica, a computer company located in Brazil.
9V DC = Nomo P2 power supply
Expansão = Expansion connector 2x23 edge pins.
Joystick = Joystick connector DIN-6-07M.
Mic = audio output for a datacorder.
Ear = Audio input for a datacorder.
Video = RF chanel 3 VHF output.
The upper part of the case is the keyboard, but the keyboard itself is not removable.
The lower part of the case is just a plastic part.
The circuit board is a very compact circuit board with dual layer traks.
MM2716Q-5 => 16Kb Eprom
52164KSF/N => 64kb Rom ? It is a custom Microdigital Rom compatible with the NMC2764.
MCM4116BC-15 => 8 x 16,348 bits Ram = 16Kb Ram
Oscilator 555. Works as an PWM 5 Volt power supply to the micropocessor.
Spare space for an audio integrated circuit. It was never implemented in producion in this model.
Voltage regulator 7805
Frequency divider = 6,5Mhz used for video and 3,25Mhz used for actual clock.