Unfortunately dc voltage can be very harmful when the polarity is reversed. I would try to disconnect the battery for a few minutes to see if it will reset. Your computer may have suffered a short from the power being reversed. The next question would be does the alternator appear to be charging because it is also controlled by the computer witch could explain why it was being jumped off to begin with. it is not uncommon for the computers section responsible for controlling the alternator to burn out .
My guess is the new coil is bad have had issues with new coils and other products not working. i have even changed sparkplugs only to end up putting the old ones back in because the new ones wouldn't fire. Sound's like you have already isolated all the other potential things wrong.
It is most likely the flash. try turning the camera off, remove the battery pack and let it set for about a minute reinstall the battery and turn the power back on. this is what Sony recommends for this problem.
Go to settings, then sound and vibration, then Notification sounds, next go to default notification sound, pick the sound you want. Then go back by pressing arrow in top left. Now go to message notifications. turn on if off next press message notification and pick either the top option (default sound) or pick the same sound you picked in the notification sound settings. Hope this helps
I am not very familiar with honda,but sounds like it could be that the mass air sensor is bad or has a piece of debris on it, most cars run at startup for a few seconds then switch over to the computer and at this time if the computer thinks there is not any air coming into the engine it will cut the fuel, this sensor should be mounted in the air intake close to your air filter box.