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Thanks for your question. Sorry for your troubles. It could still be the battery that is causing the issue. Best way to test it is to replace the battery. Price is about ten bucks if ordered online. If your looking in town for a replacement make sure you are getting a Samsung brand battery. If the issue pursists then it could be thst the hardware of the phone is just getting old. The motherboard could be buring out capacitors and resistors. That would definitely be causing your phone from booting up. I commend you for holding on to your note 2 for so long. I'm rocking a note 3 as my home wifi device. If you have a trusted cell repair professional then I would take it in to get a diagnostic done. Mentally prepair to possibly replace your Note 2
Devamını okuThanks for the question. This could be any number of issues. From a 'simple' replacement of the lcd to full on motherboard damage. The question is, do you want to put time and or money into the tablet. If this is NOT a repair for a customer and just tinker fodder then I would start with the LCD as the source of the issue. This, is more than likely wishful thinking however. The big red flag is the fact that the Android logo didn't go away. You could be looking at board damage. If you are hopefull for the repair then move on to checking things like power. (Which you seem to have started that process with the consideration of the charge light) If it IS for a customer then make sure, before anymore effort is spent on it that the customer weighs the costs of repair AND replacement of the device. Tablets under the 100 dollar price tag are notorious for dieing out of nowhere and being too expensive to repair. Especially when comparing how much it would be to replace outright to repairing an lcd, digitizer,...
Devamını okuThanks for your question. Sorry for your troubles. From what you are describing, it soukds like your battery may be the reason for your problems. Because you are getting the charging icon when you connect the charger, the usb cord, charging block and charge port seem to be working. What isn't happening is the battery is not taking the charge that the cable and block and charge port are giving it. The first and cheapest way to test a solution is to replace your battery. Make sure the new battery is an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) one. If someone suggests something else other than a Samsung battery, tell them to shove off. I just checked prices and a new battery shouldnt be more that 20 to 30 bucks. If the issue pursists then seek out a trusted cellphone repair professional for power issues. Those, for the most part, are straightforward repairs. Hope this helps. Good luck.
Devamını okuThanks for the question. Sorry for your troubles. I've looked up the issues thst you are having. It seems that Samsungs Tab 3s 10 inch and 7 inch have been having thw same issues you've been having. The fix is to open the device and make sure the cable that connects your battery to your motherboard is connected all the way. Some people are using a small amount of tape to hole down the cable in the connector. Shame Samsung let this happen again. Tab 2 had the same issues. If you have a trusted electronic repair professional, they should be able to look up the issue on google and find gobs of info on the issue and how to remedy it. Hope this helps. Good luck.
Devamını okuThanks for your question. Sorry for your troubles. The quickest way to being able to charge your device is to fit it with a wireless charging kit. Good ones coast around 60 to 80 bucks. And you can completely circumvent repairing the charge port all together. Unless you want to transfer data via the usb cable. The repair to the charge port shouldn't be a tough repair for any cell repair tech worth his salt. Cost shouldn't gouge you either. Always replace your battery with an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) battery. So Samsung brand batteries or tell them to shove off. The cheepest way to keep your phone charged is to get a wall charger for the battery and buy extra batteries. Then you can do battery swapping until you get the charge port repaired. Hope this helps. Good luck.
Devamını okuThanks for your question. You'll need to give more infor than that in order to get some help. Explain what happens when you press the power button. Does the screen turn on? If so, what does it display? Do you got to the windows load screen? Does an error message come up? If so, what does it say? More info on your issues is needed.
Devamını okuThanks for the question. Man, board level repairs are tricky. If this repair is for a customer my suggestion would be to take pictures of the damaded components and give it back to them. This will be hard to do if you habe not set the correct expectation with a water damage repair. Board level repairs cannot be guaranteed even with a tech that is well versed in soldering and board repair. It's all best effort at that point. Especially if you were investigating water damage. If you are not comfortable cunducting board repair then you shouldn't do this repair. You may be able to resolder the component back onto the leads but there's no telling if it will work or not. Plus with there being possible water damage anything you do may have no affect. Hope this helps. Good luck.
Devamını okuThanks for your question. Sorry for your troubles. Yes you can fix the port however it will require ordering the correct repacement port AND knowledge on how to solder the new component onto the circuit board. If you are going to do this yourself than might I suggeste that you order at least two replacement parts. Just incase one of them is defective. Hope this helps. Good luck.
Devamını okuThanks for your question. Sorry for your troubles. Yes, your data should be recoverable. Off the top of my head here are two of a few ways you can get your data: One: If you can get your hard drive out of the laptop and put it into an external hard drive chassis, you could plug it into another computer and save it there. -This is for those comfortable pulling apart a laptop or pc. Hardware solution. Two: If you can make yourself a "live bootable usb drive" for a linux operation system then you will have no issues finding your data on your laptops hard drive and saving it off to a thumb drive or external hard drive. -This is for someone comfortable with diving into a new operating system. Software solution. I realize that the solutions can be as, if not, more confusing than the question itself but that is where your research on the issue will come into play. The main issue told by the error message. It soulds like iether your bios is missing something. Or the operating system is missing something. The bios...
Devamını okuI've done a lot of successful iphone 5 and 5s repairs but I've never heard of using silver conductive paste with the repair. Not unless you were building the screen yourself before installing it. Is the polorizer on the front of the display or are you installing this inside of the device under the replacement lcd/digitizer? Many things could affect the touch. From a bit of static bouncing from your finger to the digitizer connector. Or touching the three bits of solder that are on the flex cable of the new screen. Or you could be looking at a simply defective part. Hope this helps. Good luck.
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