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Logic circuitry....ahhh what a headache it can conjure from a well placed plan. If your certain that you have made all the correct connections and screws and so forth, Pull the battery. And leave it out overnight. Logic circuitry is composed of thousands, tens of thousands, well a lot of micro capacitors. These are for the purpose of filtering, charging-discharging ect... It is not unheard of that when your doing what your doing, the charge states could get mixed up across the circuit and in a way create confusion to the other parts. Hard to explain. I had a graphics card years ago that was a high end card. $300.00 I was experimenting with overclocking it and, well, the screen went-gone. Blank! I was hoping I just overheated it some and gave it some time to cool. I shut every thing down for a while and powered back up and....nothing. Schux! Fried my good card. Put the old card back in and thought maybe Best Buy might honor it as defective. A few days later, I finally was going towards that part of town and...
Devamını okuGood luck! I wish I could get my Dell keyboard to stay lit longer than 10 seconds when not depressing any keys. (1) When did this first occur? (2) Have you looked at the Administrative Events? (3) Do all your keys function properly? (4) Have you checked your owners manual/PDF (5) Have you tried reverting back to an earlier driver through the Device Manager?
Devamını okuHmmmm? Some-Voltage-Fluctuations.... Spill it! Did a power supply with a male end get inserted into the headphone jack? I have done worse! My first electrical mod was in 5th grade...well not in class but during that time. I had a pair of 9 volt Walkie-Talkies and so did my buddy. He had this battery pack that used AA cells and plugged into a 9 volt plug. Could transmit and receive farther than when using a standard 9 volt battery. I reasoned: If He could get that much improvement from using that battery pack I wonder...no I bet I could get great results if I plugged directly into the wall! Well....no animals or humans were harmed in this experiment but the walkie talkie only said one thing...PBed! and has been forever since the culprit in my endeavors to find a way back into the metaphorical box I stepped out of another millennia ago and have been here since. Back to your device; Is it insured and lack any visual damage?
Devamını okuThe first test could be to swap USB WiFi devices if that is what your using. --- Not a MAC user other than the addresses every one of my networking devices contain. The wireless device/s, contains configuration settings that may not be supported in the software being used or accessed by the user. In Windows OS's , device configuration and information, can be accessed through the device manager. This is the hub for all devices and access to some lower level settings/configurations. (lower level in terms of what is supported/affected above.) I would imagine that the MAC OS's contain a system drivers location that is comparable to other OS's Access the networking section and thus the IEEE 802.11 device. You included both the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz frequencies which suggests that your access point, which is inside your routers case, supports the IEEE 802.11g standard. This is backwards compatible the same as your WiFi device connected to your Mac book. Often by default the backwards compatible settings are set to...
Devamını okuSmart devices are still new to me. Have you tried removing the battery while the device is on? Also there should be a procedure to reboot at a default level. I don't remember the correct terminology. You obviously can access the internet...so search on line for the factory-default-reboot or root-boot, something. It involves depressing more than just the power button at initial power-up. Hope this directs you towards a solution and not the pollution. QUIT DRINKING FROM PLASTIC BOTTLES...water, pop, juice....It is killing you and our planet. Well if it kills our planet then it is safe to presume, (well unsafe) that humans will be dead before earth is.
Devamını okuMy first thought would be your charger/external supply is bad. Test it and try another appropriate power supply. ( one that functions correctly)
Devamını okuToo much anime? I'm kidding...I think? Has your camera ever functioned with out a battery and just the power supply? --- I'm not an expert even with my own personal endeavors, BUT; I do know that batteries are a commodity. Rechargeable batteries are not an exception. Their just not replaced as often...but even that seems to becoming less accurate. --- Try a battery tester, not a voltage tester or multi-meter but a battery tester. Correction: the above will work if, there is a proper load across it at the time of measuring the potential voltage difference at the positive and negative leads/ends/points. --- A battery could show a full charge, voltage wise, but not have the available current needed to drive your device. In this case, your camera. Digital cameras eat current and poop pictures Some multi-meters do have a "battery test" selection/option. There is a small load inserted so that it gives a accurate, (more accurate) indication of the health of the battery. --- (The correct terminology is cell...a...
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